What is Movie Night?

Movie Night is a free weekly newsletter celebrating the diversity of cinema and recommending one film you should watch this week. Subscribe to get a weekly recommendation for how to spend a movie night with friends or even by yourself. (It’s just as fun!)

You can view every film featured on Movie Night here.

Many (but not all) months of Movie Night are programmed around a common theme. Here are two of my favorites if you’d like somewhere to jump in:

An Intro to Transcendental Style in Film (January 2023)

Truth and the Spanish Civil War (April 2022)

This website will always contain at least one image/homage to Yuen Qiu as the Landlady in Kung Fu Hustle (2004), a great performance in a great film.

Subscribe to Movie Night

Movie Night is a free weekly newsletter with a film recommendation that is worth your time this week.


Jeff lives in Northern California, is the Editor of Movie Night, and writes about movies when he's not watching them. (Or at his real job.)
Made of star-stuff
I’m an STL transplant. You can reach me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dwbs000
I'll write about my life.